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3 Benefits of Group Therapy

a group of people holding hands learns of the benefits of group therapy

No matter the form of addiction affecting you, you can expect to receive psychotherapy as part of your rehab plan. Therapy takes place in either an individual or group setting. Both settings can support your effective recovery. That’s true because a group therapy program provides treatment benefits that combine well with individual therapy. Knowing these benefits can help you get the most out of the group approach in your recovery plan.

Defining Group Therapy

The distinguishing feature of group therapy is the number of participants. In individual therapy, only you and your therapist are present. In contrast, group therapy involves multiple people working with one or more therapists. During any given session, you will:

  • Spend time talking about your experiences with addiction and your recovery challenges
  • Listen to other participants talk about their experiences and challenges
  • Talk directly to your therapists and observe as others do the same
  • Receive feedback from your therapist
  • Listen to the feedback given to other participants

The typical therapy group contains anywhere from five to 15 participants. It meets for multiple sessions each week, depending on your program. Your group may be larger or smaller. It may also meet on a different schedule.

How Is Group Therapy Effective?

Given the number of people involved, you may wonder why or how group therapy is effective. The higher number of participants is the key element of this therapy model. Participating with others gives advantages that just aren’t associated with individual therapy.

Group therapy is also adaptable. It can be used as a framework for a variety of psychotherapy techniques. Specific group options used to help people in substance rehab include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Relapse prevention
  • Psychoeducation, i.e., education on addiction and its effects

Your specific group program may also rely on other therapy options.

Top Advantages of Group Therapy’s Positive Activities

Group therapy’s positive activities are proven to provide some crucial benefits for the typical participant. The list of the top benefits includes:

  1. Escaping addiction-related isolation and improving your communication skills
  2. Learning from your peers in the therapy process
  3. Developing bonds of mutual support with your peers

Each of these advantages helps you in specific ways. For example, isolation and poor communication often accompany addiction. Left unaddressed, they can interfere with your recovery. Group therapy gives you a way out of social isolation. It also requires you to talk to your therapist and other group participants. As a result, it helps you reintegrate into society, even before you leave rehab.

There are also unique advantages to learning from your recovery peers. Listening to their perspectives can help you better understand the nature of addiction. It can also give you a better understanding of your own sobriety efforts.

The mutual support in group therapy can help you keep your recovery on track. That’s true because it provides an accessible, attentive ear in your moments of crisis. You also get the chance to help others through their crisis moments. In addition, the bonds you make can help you feel more accountable for your treatment outcomes.

Find Out More About the Benefits of Group Therapy at Northpoint Colorado

These are just some of the benefits of group therapy for addiction. To learn more, contact the specialists at Northpoint Colorado. We’ll be happy to outline the many reasons for including group sessions in your individual treatment plan for recovery.

Northpoint makes extensive use of group therapy. Our goal is to provide you with the full advantages of working on your recovery in the company of others. Call us today at 888.231.1281 for more information. You can also reach us through our brief online form.

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