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3 Benefits of Music Therapy

a person listening to music on their phone outside in a city learns of the benefits of music therapy

At one time, treatment for substance problems focused solely on psychotherapy and medication. These options are essential and form the core of effective recovery plans. However, specialists now know that other kinds of treatment can also play an essential supporting role. A music therapy program is one option that appeals to many people in recovery. This therapy takes advantage of humans’ deep connection to making and listening to music. It can provide you with some key rehab benefits in the right setting.

What Is Music Therapy?

At first glance, music therapy may seem like a farfetched idea. After all, how can music possibly help you recover from addiction? However, research shows that a well-designed, music-based program can do that.

Music therapy sessions are led by therapists trained to provide help through various musical methods. In any given program, such methods may include:

  • Writing and arranging songs
  • Making up songs on the spot
  • Exploring the meaning of song lyrics
  • Looking at the musical structure of songs
  • Playing games with music-related themes
  • Teaching you how to play a musical instrument

Some people who take part in the therapy have prior musical experience. However, experience of this kind is not a requirement. That’s true because your goal is not to display a certain level of skill or knowledge. Instead, your goal is to use music’s benefits to support your recovery.

Nonverbal Expression as a Benefit of Music Therapy

One of the most significant benefits of music therapy is helping you learn how to express yourself. Self-expression may seem like a minor thing. However, it’s an absolute priority, especially for someone recovering from addiction.

Why? People affected by addiction often withdraw from social contact. That withdrawal tends to include a declining ability or desire to communicate with others. However, in rehab, it’s vitally important that you communicate. Unless you do so, your therapist may lack information crucial to helping you. You may also miss out on the advantages of interacting with your recovery peers.

Music provides a nonverbal channel for communication. It allows you to express yourself even if you’re unable or unwilling to speak directly. In this way, you give your therapist an avenue to understand you and provide adequate care. You can also make supportive connections with other therapy participants.

Other Key Advantages of Music Therapy for Addiction

Music therapy for addiction also comes with several other research-backed benefits. These benefits include:

  • Reducing your exposure to unpleasant or damaging mental states
  • Decreasing your typical stress levels
  • Improving your ability to communicate verbally

Specific mental states known to subside with help from the therapy include anxiety, depression, and anger. Improvements in verbal communication are linked to decreased feelings of shame regarding addiction. And depending on your situation, certain forms of music therapy may provide additional advantages. For example:

  • Songwriting can help support general mood improvement
  • Drumming can help reduce your risks of a drug or alcohol relapse

A given music therapy option may also help you recover in other ways.

Find Out More About the Benefits of Music Therapy at Northpoint Colorado

What is music therapy? It’s a form of rehab support that makes use of music-related activities. Have more questions about this recovery option? The addiction professionals at Northpoint Colorado can answer them.
Northpoint features a robust music therapy program. Along with the rest of your treatment plan, this program can help you make real strides toward lasting sobriety. It can also help make the process of recovery more engaging and fulfilling. For more information on the benefits of music therapy, just call us today at 888.231.1281. You can also complete our online form.