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Group Therapy Program

group therapy program

You may receive help in individual or group treatment sessions in an addiction therapy program. Individual sessions are often beneficial. However, you may also benefit greatly from group therapy or counseling. In fact, a group therapy program can provide advantages not accessible by other means. When incorporated into your overall recovery plan, these advantages can support your ability to meet crucial recovery goals. In turn, they may also increase your chances of achieving and maintaining sobriety.

Basics of Group Therapy and Group Counseling

People are inherently social. From birth onward, much of your well-being depends on interactions with others. Others also rely on you for their well-being. Group therapy is rooted in this deeply ingrained give-and-take dynamic. Essentially, it adapts our natural tendency to rely on each other and uses it for therapeutic purposes.

Group counseling is a treatment setting more than a specific technique. During group sessions, you may receive any of a number of addiction therapies. Common examples of these therapies include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT
  • Dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Psychoeducation

The methods used in these approaches vary significantly. However, they can all provide benefits when used in group settings.

What Happens in a Group Therapy Program?

All group therapy programs share certain traits in common. In all cases, multiple patients take part along with at least one therapist. Your therapist sets the general tone and direction of the therapy. All participants take turns doing two things. First, they engage directly with the therapist while other patients observe. Next, they play the observer role with the therapist interacts with someone else. At times, your therapist will also address the group as a whole. Often, this is done so the group can give input or share their opinions.

Benefits of a Group Therapy Program

There are vital advantages to both forms of participation in group therapy sessions. While interacting directly with your therapist, you get critical guidance and insight. Observation of patient-therapist interactions helps you widen your perspective on your own problems and those of other people.

Research also shows that group sessions bring specific benefits to substance treatment. Examples of these many benefits include:

  • Helping you adapt to the larger treatment environment
  • Providing positive support to others in recovery and receiving the same kind of support
  • Combating the isolating effects of drug and alcohol problems
  • Seeing others make progress toward their recovery goals, which can increase your belief in your own ability to recover
  • Learning how to improve your social skills
  • Boosting your sense of personal accountability while in treatment
  • Fostering discipline and helping you lead a more structured life

A number of other benefits are widespread among group therapy participants. For example, group sessions can make it easier for you to overcome particularly tough challenges to treatment. They can also improve your general sense of hope and optimism. In addition, participants tend to keep supporting each other outside of group therapy sessions. These many advantages help explain the common use of group therapy in addiction treatment.

Get Help at Northpoint Colorado

If you need an addiction group therapy program in Loveland, CO, turn to Northpoint Colorado. We offer this option in the context of CBT and other forms of therapy. Together, group counseling and therapy itself help support you throughout the treatment process. In addition, they may increase the odds that you will continue to stay sober long-term.

Northpoint Colorado also offers individual therapy, which is important since both forms of therapy benefit your recovery in their own ways. For more information on our group and individual options, call us today at 888.231.1281. You can also contact us through our online form.