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How to Help a Heroin Addict Who Refuses Help

a couple discusses issues with a friend who is a heroin addict

Almost 700,000 Americans are either addicted to heroin or affected by damaging heroin abuse. Some of these people know they have a problem and seek help for their condition. However, others either deny that a problem exists or refuse to enter heroin addiction treatment. What can you do to help someone in this second category? Experts recommend taking certain actions in pursuit of your goal. These actions don’t always work, but when they do, they can be vital to your loved one’s ultimate recovery.

How Can You Tell if Someone Is a Heroin Addict?

You may already know that a friend or family member is addicted to heroin. But in many cases, you may only suspect this is the case. How can you tell if these suspicions point to an actual problem? A good place to start is looking for some of the common outward signs of a heroin addict. Examples of these signs include:

  • Unusual mood swings
  • Difficulty speaking clearly
  • A confused state of mind
  • Problems remembering things or paying attention
  • Disinterest in once-favored activities, people, or surroundings
  • Lack of concern about physical appearance

You may also notice other signs of a heroin addict. These indicators sometimes include the presence of needles, syringes, or other drug paraphernalia. They may also include the presence of unexplained scars in the crook of the elbow or other locations.

Spotting Potential Heroin Addict Behavior Traits

People addicted to heroin often undergo some telltale behavior changes. Perhaps the most classic heroin addict behavior trait is involuntary drug-seeking. This means that the affected person has an uncontrollable need to find and use more heroin. A person addicted to the drug may also undergo other drastic changes in everyday behavior. Potential examples here include withdrawal from social contact and a sudden switch in friendship groups.

Does a Heroin Addict Have to Want Help to Recover?

Ideally, a loved one affected by heroin addiction will be interested in getting help. However, far too often, this is just not the case. How can you possibly overcome a refusal to seek treatment? One crucial thing to note is that treatment can be effective even if your loved one is resistant. In fact, this is a well-established principle of modern addiction care. Every day, people from all walks of life make headway in recovery after first refusing to enter a rehab program.

Ways to Help Your Reluctant Loved One Enter Treatment

What specifically can you do to get a reluctant friend or family member into heroin rehab? Widely recommended actions include:

  • Educating yourself on the nature of heroin addiction
  • Avoiding doing anything that enables your loved one’s continued heroin use
  • Setting firm limits on the behaviors you will and will not accept
  • Staging an intervention

An intervention is a pre-arranged meeting designed to encourage your reluctant loved one to seek help. If you choose this option, consult an addiction or intervention specialist for advice. A well-planned intervention can increase the odds that your loved one will enter treatment. However, a poorly planned one can have the opposite effect.

Learn More About Helping a Reluctant Heroin Addict at Northpoint Colorado

Want more information on helping a loved one who refuses to seek treatment? Talk to the experts at Northpoint Colorado. We can provide you with timely advice that may improve your chances of succeeding in your efforts.
Northpoint specializes in the treatment of heroin addiction. Our many services include options that may help lower your loved one’s resistance to participating in rehab. To get started, just call us today at 888.231.1281 or complete our online message form.