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Music Therapy Program

High-quality addiction therapy programs in Colorado typically feature multiple kinds of treatment options. Some of these options provide what is known as primary or frontline care. Others provide secondary care that supports and increases the benefits of frontline care. Music therapy programs fall into this second category. As their name indicates, these programs use music-related methods to enhance your overall recovery. Research shows that music therapy offers a range of potential advantages when used in substance treatment. At Northpoint Colorado, we are proud to provide a music therapy program. To learn more about the treatment options available, call our team today at 888.231.1281. 

What Is a Music Therapy Program?a man practices guitar during a music therapy program

Music therapy is a form of complementary addiction treatment. Treatment of this type does not displace the frontline options in your recovery plan. Instead, it works together with those options. Doing so provides you with benefits not directly available from your frontline care. 

There is no single form of music therapy. The term can apply to a wide variety of therapeutic, music-based activities. Common examples of these activities include:

  • Musical games
  • The use of music for relaxation training
  • Analysis of song lyrics
  • Songwriting
  • Improvisational music-making

Anyone can take part in the therapy, regardless of their past musical experience. The goal of the therapy is not to develop technical skills. Instead, music-related activities provide you with a non-verbal form of expression. 

This is a crucial benefit for people in substance treatment. Why? The effects of addiction can leave you unwilling or unable to communicate well with others. If you had to rely solely on words, important factors in your recovery might go unnoticed. Non-verbal expression allows you to get around this obstacle. Essentially, it gives you a new way to communicate how you feel and what’s happening to you.

The Potential Benefits of Music Therapy for Addiction Treatment

Studies show that music therapy provides numerous advantages in substance treatment. Certain kinds of activities may benefit you in specific ways. For example, songwriting may help improve your typical mood. Drumming for relaxation may help decrease your susceptibility to relapse. 

There are also more general benefits that apply to all forms of music therapy. For example, the therapy can decrease your exposure to harmful mental states such as:

  • Anger 
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Substance use disorders

It can also help you lower your general stress levels. In addition, music therapy may improve your willingness to take part in other aspects of your recovery plan. People enrolled in the therapy tend to be more honest about the impact of substance abuse. They also tend to feel less ashamed and more willing to communicate. Finally, music therapy may boost your motivation to meet your sobriety goals. 

How Music Therapy Programs Complement Other Treatments

Music therapy can work exceptionally well with certain forms of frontline treatment. One such treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT. In fact, some CBT programs are music-based. Music therapy also works well with motivational enhancement therapy and motivational interviewing. 

In addition, the therapy may enhance the benefits of 12-step programs and similar types of groups. Like music therapy, such groups are often an important form of complementary addiction treatment support. 

Turn to Northpoint Colorado for a Music Therapy Program in Loveland, CO

Music therapy is still relatively rare, which means that you need to search carefully for a qualified provider. Need a music therapy program in Loveland, CO? Talk to the professionals at Northpoint Colorado. We include this form of treatment among our many recovery options. 

In all cases, music therapy at Northpoint Colorado is customized. We help ensure that the therapy fits well into your overall treatment plan. Our goal, as always, is to maximize your prospects for lasting sobriety. Call us today at 888.231.1281 to learn more. You can also get started by filling out our online form.