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5 Facts About Cocaine Addiction

a man struggles to hide the signs of his cocaine addiction

Have you been wanting to learn more facts about cocaine abuse and addiction? The stimulant drug cocaine is well known for its ability to trigger addiction. This is true whether you use the drug in powder form or the rock-like form known as crack. While opioid abuse and addiction is a pressing concern in the United States, cocaine addiction is also a severe issue that affects millions of people.

In some ways, cocaine addiction resembles addiction to other stimulant drugs and medications. But it also differs in a variety of unique ways. Despite these differences, you can regain your sobriety with the help of effective cocaine treatment—such as the program we offer at Northpoint Colorado. Call 888.231.1281 or contact our team online to learn more about cocaine addiction facts and how we can help you or your loved one struggling with a cocaine problem.

Cocaine as an Addictive Stimulant Drug

Many stimulant drugs lead to addiction, including the following:

  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamine
  • Cocaine

All stimulant drugs and medications share specific characteristics. First, they speed up your central nervous system’s average activity level. This effect is what defines them as stimulants.

Like most other addictive substances, stimulants can also produce intensely pleasurable sensations. These sensations are so potent that many people seek to experience them repeatedly. However, repeated use can leave you physically dependent on the substance. In turn, physical dependence can snowball into a full-blown addiction.

Signs of Cocaine Addiction

If someone is addicted to cocaine, you may notice various things related to their drug use. Specific signs you may see include:

  • Frequent or uncontrolled cocaine use
  • Unexplained, significant mood swings
  • A down or depressed mood
  • Bouts of extremely energetic behavior and speech
  • Unusual restlessness
  • A frequent or chronic runny nose
  • Outbursts of strange, unpredictable, or violent behavior
  • The presence of rolled paper money, coke spoons, vials, or other paraphernalia
  • Secretive behavior
  • Withdrawal from social contact

A person addicted to cocaine may also suddenly start associating with a different group of friends.

5 Things to Know About Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction comes with issues not always found in other forms of addiction. For example, people struggling with cocaine addiction:

  1. May have problems stemming from either or both forms of cocaine
  1. Can become addicted faster when using crack rather than powdered cocaine
  1. May become addicted after only a relatively brief period of casual drug use
  1. Face repeated exposure to harmful additives often included in batches of cocaine
  1. Can overdose unexpectedly, regardless of their habitual dose of the drug

Together, these facts help make cocaine a particularly dangerous stimulant.

Effects of Long-Term Cocaine Abuse

Long-term, heavy use of cocaine exposes you to a wide range of potential mental and physical health issues. Examples of these common health-related effects of cocaine addiction include:

  • Recurring panic attacks
  • Bouts of paranoia
  • Psychotic episodes
  • Nose, lung, or vein damage
  • Increased risks for hepatitis and HIV infection
  • Damage to your gastrointestinal system
  • Recurring angina, i.e., heart-related chest pain
  • Several forms of heart muscle damage
  • Seizures
  • Strokes

In addition, some long-term users of cocaine eventually develop Parkinson’s disease or another severe movement disorder. What’s more, people in cocaine recovery have heightened risks for relapse, no matter how long they’ve been sober.

Enroll in Cocaine Addiction Treatment at Northpoint Colorado

Want to learn more facts about cocaine addiction and abuse? Get the answers you need at Northpoint Colorado. We’ll help you get a complete understanding of the many risks of this form of addiction.

Do you or your loved one need cocaine addiction treatment? You’ll find it in Northpoint Colorado’s customized programs. With our support, you can successfully stop using cocaine. You can also reestablish a daily routine that excludes this powerful stimulant drug. To get started, call 888.231.1281 or contact our team online. We’re here for you when you need help, whether you want to explore cocaine addiction facts or you’re looking for help to overcome a cocaine problem.