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Side Effects of OxyContin

a young man struggles with the side effects of oxycontin use

Have you ever wondered about the side effects of OxyContin use? OxyContin is a widely used and misused prescription painkiller. It contains the opioid oxycodone as its active ingredient. The medication is known to trigger physical dependence and full-blown addiction—but even if you never become addicted, you can develop some severe medication side effects. Some of these effects are mild, while others are serious and can lead to severe or life-threatening health problems. In such cases, it may be necessary to enroll in a professional OxyContin treatment program, such as the one we offer at Northpoint Colorado. Call 888.231.1281 or contact our knowledgeable team online today to learn more about the symptoms of OxyContin use and how to tell whether or not the use has led to abuse or addiction.

Possible Side Effects of OxyContin Use If You Follow Your Prescription

Even when you follow your prescription, OxyContin use can have side effects. Common milder effects include headaches, a dry mouth, and unusual drowsiness. They also include skin flushing or redness, changes in your normal mood, and pain in your stomach. All of these effects can take a more severe form. If this happens, talk to your doctor.

A call to your doctor should always follow specific OxyContin side effects. Examples of these more significant and dangerous effects include:

  • Pain in your chest
  • An agitated mental state
  • Itching with or without a rash
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Alterations in your normal heartbeat
  • Hallucinations
  • Facial, tongue, eye, or throat swelling, as well as swelling in your hands or lower extremities

Seizures, breathing problems, and extreme sleepiness may also occur. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Overdosing on OxyContin

You can abuse or misuse an OxyContin prescription by increasing your dosage size on your own. The same situation occurs if you decide to shorten the time between doses. Several other forms of abuse are also possible. For example, you may try to crush your medication to speed up its drug effects. Purely recreational use also qualifies as medication abuse. You also abuse OxyContin if you get it through someone else’s prescription or buy it illegally.

All forms of abuse increase the odds that you will experience an OxyContin overdose. Overdoses occur when you have more of the medication in your system than your body can process. Potential signs of an OxyContin overdose include:

  • Labored or slow breathing
  • Skin that feels clammy and cold
  • Wider or narrower pupils than normal
  • Extreme sleepiness
  • Unusually weak or limp muscles
  • Complete cessation of all breathing
  • Unresponsive unconsciousness or a coma

An overdose is a life-threatening emergency. Seek help immediately if you experience one or notice telltale signs in someone else.

About OxyContin Abuse and Addiction

Addiction is always a potential side effect of OxyContin abuse. As a rule, people affected by addiction have three overlapping problems:

  • They are physically dependent on the medication
  • Psychological dependence also occurs
  • Affected people typically start compulsively seeking out more OxyContin to take; this involuntary behavior is a clear indicator that you have become addicted

Opioid treatment is needed by anyone addicted to OxyContin. Modern treatment includes medication as well as therapy. Together, these two options form medication-assisted treatment (MAT). An effective MAT plan supports your ongoing recovery.

Enroll in OxyContin Addiction Treatment at Northpoint Colorado

Are you concerned because you or your loved one has been displaying symptoms of OxyContin use? Turn to the treatment experts at Northpoint Colorado. We feature a dedicated OxyContin addiction program. This program will help you safely halt your medication abuse. It will also help you develop a durable pattern of long-term sobriety.

Northpoint Colorado offers a range of settings for your recovery. You may need the 24/7 help provided by inpatient treatment. Our services also include multiple outpatient options. Call 888.231.1281 or contact our team online to learn more about our available plans.