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Where To Get PTSD Treatment In Loveland, CO

a person talks to a therapist about where to get ptsd treatment in loveland co

Almost a quarter of the adult population in Larimer County, CO, is impacted by mental health issues. Some of the residents of Loveland and other local communities have a mental health condition themselves. Others know someone who’s affected. No matter where you live, one of the most common mental health disorders is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This condition is known for its diverse symptoms and serious negative effects. Are you or your loved one affected by PTSD? Turn to a PTSD treatment program in Loveland, CO, to support your recovery.

Trauma Exposure and PTSD

The root cause of PTSD is an intense reaction to a traumatic event. Events get this name when they’re disturbing or frightening enough to:

  • Make you fear for your life or the lives of others
  • Tax the limits of your natural stress tolerance
  • At least temporarily alter your normal sense of mental equilibrium

Generally speaking, humans are quite skilled at restoring their equilibrium after trauma exposure. However, anyone can potentially fail to cope with this kind of exposure. In fact, that’s what happens to roughly 6% of all adults and a larger percentage of teens and children.

PTSD is defined by life-impairing reactions that last at least 30 days after a traumatic event. These reactions include the involuntary recurrence of trauma-related memories. They also include dysfunctional attempts to avoid such memories. In addition, PTSD excessively amplifies your normal fight-or-flight response. It also leads to disruptive negativity in your thought processes and typical mood.

What a PTSD Treatment Program in Loveland, CO, Can Do For You

Professional support is your best option for recovery from PTSD. That’s true if you’re not affected by any other serious mental health issue. It’s also true if you have additional problems such as drug or alcohol addiction.

Much of the support for PTSD recovery is provided by psychotherapy. The most effective options belong to a school of techniques called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Types of CBT with known trauma recovery benefits include:

  • Trauma-focused CBT
  • Prolonged exposure therapy
  • Cognitive processing therapy

CBT also has known benefits for drug and alcohol recovery. This dual role makes it especially useful for people dealing with overlapping PTSD and addiction.

Medication-based support is also common. All of the approved medications for PTSD treatment are antidepressants. They work by combatting your trauma-related symptoms. In this way, they can also make it easier for you to take part in therapy.

Where to Get PTSD Treatment in Loveland, CO – Local Recovery Resources

If you’re a local resident, it makes sense to seek PTSD treatment in Loveland, CO. Why? Local services add to the convenience of seeking help. Not only do you need to travel a shorter distance for treatment. You also have greater odds of showing up regularly for that treatment.

But the question of where to get PTSD treatment in Loveland, CO, also has another important dimension. Namely, you must have a reliable local provider. An effective local program will follow best practices for modern trauma-related care.

Get PTSD Treatment in Loveland, CO, at Northpoint Colorado

Where to get PTSD treatment in Loveland, CO? Get this vital question answered today at Northpoint Colorado. We understand what it takes to recover from PTSD. We also understand what it takes to overcome any additional problems with drugs or alcohol.

Ready to enter PTSD treatment in Loveland, CO? At Northpoint, we feature this form of treatment as part of drug and alcohol rehab. By easing PTSD, you can promote your substance recovery. And by treating addiction, you can promote your PTSD recovery. Want to know more about our PTSD and rehab services? Just call us today at 888.231.1281 or contact us online.