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When To Do An Alcohol Detox

Man thinking about when to do an alcohol detox

An alcohol detox program is a supervised, medically supported way to stop drinking beer, wine, or liquor. It’s a standard part of recovery from alcoholism, also known as alcohol addiction. Not everyone who requires alcohol treatment necessarily needs to start rehab in detox. But for some people, it’s both essential and highly recommended. How do you know when to do an alcohol detox? Several indicators can alert you to a need for this particular rehab service.

If you or a loved one is in need of alcohol detox, reach out to the team at Northpoint at 888.231.1281.

Alcohol Detox’s Role in Recovery

Before discussing when to do alcohol detox, it’s important to understand its purpose. Why does anyone need this kind of alcohol recovery resource? To begin with, alcohol is addictive and known for its ability to produce physical dependence. This dependence on drinking typically makes it difficult to halt your alcohol use by yourself. Detox gives you the added support you need to turn quitting into a workable task.

Just as importantly, the act of quitting drinking on your own can be dangerous. Out of all forms of substance withdrawal, alcohol withdrawal comes with some of the greatest risks. If you’re caught in a longstanding pattern of heavy drinking, quitting can sometimes lead to severe outcomes. Such outcomes may include:

  • Major seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Delirium tremens, which combines seizures and hallucinations with extreme confusion

Detox programs provide a rapid response to these kinds of complications.

Is Alcohol Detox Needed During Rehab?

Is alcohol detox needed in all situations? No. You may or may not receive a recommendation for this recovery service. So, exactly when is it time for an alcohol detox? As a rule, it’s required if you’re affected by alcoholism.

Today, alcoholism is viewed as a form of alcohol use disorder (AUD), not as a complete diagnosis. Many people with AUD are, in fact, affected by alcoholism. However, that’s not universally true. Why? Some people with the disorder only have problems produced by non-addicted alcohol abuse.

You still need treatment if you’re affected by diagnosable alcohol abuse. That’s true because this form of AUD can cause serious problems, just like alcoholism. However, unless your abuse symptoms overlap with alcoholism symptoms, you likely don’t need detox. Your doctor or addiction specialist can tell you if your particular case of AUD involves alcoholism.

Alcoholism Symptoms That Call for Detox

What are the alcoholism symptoms that tell you when to do an alcohol detox? Specific things that your doctor looks for include:

  • A strong urge to drink more alcohol
  • Creation of a lifestyle that prioritizes drinking-related activities
  • Increasing resistance to the effects of alcohol
  • An inability to voluntarily limit your alcohol use
  • A recurring lack of success trying to stop drinking on your own
  • Continuing to drink when the damage it causes to you is notable
  • Cutting out other activities you enjoy so you have more time for drinking
  • The appearance of nausea or other withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink

The presence of even a couple of these symptoms can indicate when to do an alcohol detox. A higher number of symptoms means that you have a more serious case of alcoholism. This scenario makes supervised detox even more important for a safe, effective recovery.

Enroll in Northpoint’s Alcohol Detox Program Today

The question of when to do alcohol detox is critical. Unless you understand your needs, you might miss out on the treatment you require to get better. You may also think you need detox when you actually don’t.

When is it time for an alcohol detox? Get a comprehensive answer to this question today at Northpoint Colorado. You can also turn to us for detox services that support recovery from mild, moderate, or severe alcoholism. To get your detox plan underway, just call us today at 888.231.1281 or use our online contact form.