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Tips to Help Seasonal Depression

a man struggles with the symptoms of his seasonal depression

Roughly 26 million preteens, teens, and adults in America experience bouts of major depression. This common disorder comes in several forms. That includes bouts of depression that occur most often during certain times of the year. Like all forms of the illness, this seasonal condition can be effectively addressed through professional depression treatment. You can also help yourself by following some expert tips to help with seasonal depression. Along with treatment, these tips may help significantly ease your symptoms.

For more information about combatting seasonal depression and treatment options for when you need a little extra help, contact us today. Call Northpoint Colorado at 888.231.1281 or connect with us online.

Understanding Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression’s formal name is seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It gets this name because it produces depressive episodes during either fall and winter or spring and summer. Most people with SAD experience symptoms in the colder months of the year. Others feel their effects when the weather starts to warm up. You may also have depression symptoms at other times of the year if you have SAD. However, you may not.

What causes seasonal depression? No one knows for sure. However, one potential factor is the particular way your biological clock responds to the changing of the seasons. Seasonal changes in your levels of certain body and brain chemicals may also play a role. Other contributing factors can include:

  • Year-round major depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • A history of seasonal depression in your family bloodline

You may also have higher SAD risks if your levels of vitamin D are chronically low. The same applies if you live in a part of the world far from the equator.

Top Tips to Help Seasonal Depression

What are some of the most common seasonal depression tips? The list of expert recommendations you can use to beat seasonal depression includes:

  • Talking with your doctor if you haven’t already done so
  • Sticking to the treatment plan established by you and your doctor
  • Using a light therapy box if your doctor recommends it
  • Staying physically active
  • Spending some time outside each day if you have winter-pattern SAD
  • Making sure your diet contains enough health-supporting nutrients
  • Using hobbies or social activities to keep your mind active
  • Joining a support group for people affected by SAD

Talking with your doctor is crucial in a couple of ways. First, it helps you know if SAD is the actual cause of your depression symptoms. It also gives you access to the treatment resources you need. Sticking with your treatment gives it time to produce positive results.

A physically active routine can help you combat any form of depression. If you have winter-pattern SAD, outdoor activities can be especially beneficial. By eating a healthy diet, you can help limit the effects of SAD or any other depressive illness. Hobbies and social activities can help you overcome the sense of isolation that tends to come with depression. That’s also true for SAD support groups.

Do All Seasonal Depression Tips Work for Everyone?

Will every tip on how to help seasonal depression work for you? Probably not. Every case is different, and some tips may provide greater benefits than others. Take the time to see which recommendations really help you beat seasonal depression. You can then make those recommendations part of your effective SAD recovery routine.

Reach Out to Northpoint Colorado Today for More on How to Help Seasonal Depression

Like all forms of major depression, SAD is a highly treatable condition. The most comprehensive recovery options come from trained medical and mental health professionals. However, your individual efforts can also go a long way toward promoting your return to wellness.

Want additional tips to help with seasonal depression? The specialists at Northpoint Colorado are standing by to assist you. Just call us today at 888.231.1281 to find out more. You can also fill out our brief online message form.