
Tips On Creating A Relapse Prevention Plan

a person sits at a laptop and looks up tips on creating a relapse prevention plan

One of the most important breakthroughs for anyone in recovery is the day you first reach a state of full sobriety. However, despite the vital nature of this milestone, your work isn’t done. Now, you have to stay sober and avoid a relapse back into drinking or drug use. You can get help reaching this goal by participating in relapse prevention therapy while still in rehab. You can also educate yourself on what it takes to create an effective relapse prevention plan.

Why Creating a Relapse Prevention Plan Is So Important

Why does creating a relapse prevention plan matter? After completing rehab, you may have no intention of starting to drink or use drugs again. However, the statistics are clear no matter how firmly you hold this commitment. What do those statistics say?

At least 40% of all people who get sober eventually relapse. And, depending on the substance in question, that rate is considerably higher. Such figures are right in line with the relapse risks for other kinds of chronic health issues. Still, they’re daunting for anyone wanting to preserve the gains they made in substance rehab.

Like many things in life, maintaining your sobriety is easier when you have a plan. That’s true because you won’t have to make impromptu decisions in situations that pose a relapse risk. Instead, you can refer to your existing relapse prevention plan and follow its indicated actions. If your plan is well-thought-out, it should help you preserve substance abstinence.

Tips on Creating a Relapse Prevention Plan – Learning About Relapses

Are you looking to keep yourself safe from future relapses? One of the most important things you can do is learn more about these events and why they occur. That’s especially true since the facts on relapses might not meet up with your expectations.

A relapse seems pretty straightforward. After all, it’s readily apparent when you start using drugs or drinking again. However, research shows that this is only the final step in a relapse. Before you reach that step, you’ll go through:

  • An initial stage known as emotional relapse
  • A second stage, known as mental relapse

People who relapse emotionally have every conscious intention of staying sober. However, they unconsciously start doing things that undercut this intention. For example, you may isolate yourself, skip a few support meetings, or slack on your self-care routine. During a mental relapse, your thoughts of drinking or using drugs again enter the conscious realm. Such thoughts inevitably increase the odds that you’ll take that drink or use that drug.

The Importance of Building a Relapse Prevention Plan 

There are also other vital steps in building a relapse prevention plan. Things that typically contribute to an effective plan include:

  • Clarifying your reasons for getting and staying sober
  • Regularly monitoring your emotional state for potential signs of relapse
  • Also monitoring your daily thoughts and behaviors
  • Identifying the telltale signs of increased drug or alcohol cravings
  • Learning which situations trigger your substance cravings
  • Deciding in advance how to steer clear of those situations when you can

Creating an active plan for dealing with triggering situations is vital once you’re in them.

Create a Relapse Prevention Plan Today at Northpoint Colorado 

Relapse prevention is a lifelong goal for graduates of substance rehab programs. The best way to achieve this goal is with the support of a well-designed prevention plan. Want to learn more about creating a relapse prevention plan that works for you? Get help today from the recovery support team at Northpoint Colorado. You can also turn to Northpoint for relapse prevention therapy during rehab. Call us today at 888.231.1281 or complete our online form.