
Finding A Marijuana Treatment Program In Loveland, CO

a patient looks happy sitting on a chair talking to a therapist after finding a marijuana treatment program in loveland co

Roughly one-third of all adults in Larimer County, Colorado, use marijuana. That figure undoubtedly includes residents of Loveland, one of the county’s biggest cities. Marijuana has a largely positive image in the public eye. However, research clearly shows that the drug has the potential to produce physical dependence and addiction. Eventually, some of its users will develop a need for marijuana addiction treatment. You can get this treatment while enrolled in a local marijuana rehab in Loveland, CO.

Marijuana Use, Marijuana Addiction, and Cannabis Use Disorder

Marijuana use is relatively common across the country, not just in Loveland. Studies indicate that close to a third of all people who use the drug have symptoms of cannabis use disorder. This means that they’re affected by marijuana abuse, dependence, and addiction. People who use the drug may also develop other diagnosable problems, including:

  • Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder
  • Cannabis intoxication delirium
  • Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder

These conditions appear to be more common today than in the past. That’s due partly to the increased number of marijuana users in recent decades. In addition, forms of the drug available today are typically far more potent than those available in the past.

Who develops serious problems with marijuana? These problems can potentially affect anyone. However, two groups of people are especially vulnerable. The first of these groups includes those who regularly use the drug in heavy amounts. The second consists of those who start using the drug before reaching adulthood.

How You Can Benefit from Marijuana Addiction Treatment in Loveland, CO

Most people who develop serious marijuana problems wait years before seeking help. That’s unfortunate since the options for treating these problems are now well-developed. As a rule, those options revolve around the use of behavioral psychotherapy.

When you participate in this type of therapy, you get help changing thought and behavior patterns that support an addiction. It comes in several forms, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a relatively brief treatment approach that helps you:

  • Analyze and understand your thoughts and behavior
  • Improve your behavioral control
  • Avoid using marijuana

During marijuana rehab in Loveland, you may also need treatment for depression or another mental health condition. Why? These conditions are relatively common among people addicted to marijuana. You must get help for them at the same time that you recover from addiction. Otherwise, they can lower your chances of getting better. Addiction to other substances is also a frequent issue. This means that you may need more than one form of drug or alcohol treatment.

The Advantages of Finding a Marijuana Treatment Program in Loveland, CO

You could potentially go anywhere to recover from marijuana problems. However, generally speaking, local resources are better than those farther away. That’s true for a couple of related reasons. First, you’re statistically more likely to seek help when it’s available in your area. You’re also more likely to attend treatment when it’s convenient to do so. Finding a marijuana treatment program in Loveland, CO, might not be essential. But it very well could increase your odds of overcoming addiction.

Call on Northpoint Colorado for Local, Convenient Marijuana Treatment

Need help finding a marijuana treatment program in Loveland, CO? Turn to Loveland’s own Northpoint Colorado. You’ll find us due east of Boyd Lake at 4565 Kendall Parkway. Options for reaching us include Boyd Lake Ave. and the I-25 exit onto E. Crossroads Blvd and Rocky Mountain Ave.

At Northpoint, we provide customized rehab for marijuana problems. We can also treat any additional mental health or substance problems affecting you. For more on our marijuana addiction treatment in Loveland, CO, just call today at 888.231.1281. You can also contact us through our online message form.