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Side Effects Of Alcoholism

Man experiencing side effects of alcoholism

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol addiction, is one of America’s most common substance use disorders (SUDs). This disorder has its well-known direct effects. In addition, it can trigger a host of serious side effects that impact both your physical and mental well-being. The risk of exposure to these secondary health issues is another reason why prompt alcohol addiction treatment matters. A treatment plan designed specifically for you provides extensive support for your timely recovery.

The experienced team at Northpoint can help design that treatment plan and get you on your way to recovery. Reach out at 888.231.1281 to get started.

Why Do the Side Effects of Alcoholism Occur?

Alcoholism is defined by multiple symptoms that alter how you think, feel, and behave. Similar kinds of direct effects are associated with all forms of addiction. However, chronic excessive drinking also affects your entire body. Why?

Alcohol is a toxic substance. In small amounts, it typically produces minimal secondary harm. However, if you drink in large amounts, that picture changes. That’s particularly true if you have an ongoing pattern of heavy drinking.

Virtually every system in your body is vulnerable to the toxic effects of recurring heavy drinking. In essence, these systems get disrupted at a basic functional level. Over time, the impact of this disruption can build and lead to serious side effects of alcoholism.

The Effects of Alcoholism on Your Body

The impact of alcoholism on your body is essentially head to toe. Its classic, direct effects are triggered by changes in your normal brain function. Other vital organs or systems susceptible to side effects of alcohol addiction include your:

  • Mouth
  • Lungs
  • Muscles
  • Heart
  • Liver
  • Bones
  • Pancreas
  • GI tract
  • Immune system

The specific effects range from serious to potentially fatal. For example, heart-related harms include high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and stroke. Potential impacts on your liver include three forms of increasingly severe liver disease. Possible long-term side effects of alcohol abuse also include many forms of cancer. Examples here include cancer in your head, neck, or esophagus. They also include breast, liver, colon, and rectal cancer.

Mental Health Side Effects of Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism not only directly affects your mental health. It also significantly increases your risk for other mental health conditions. The list of conditions most closely linked to alcohol problems includes three separate anxiety disorders:

  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder

In addition, the effects of alcoholism can increase the odds that you’ll experience major depression. The same holds true for bipolar I disorder and other bipolar illnesses, as well as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What’s more, you have increased risks for other substance problems.

How to Limit Your Side Effect Exposure

If you’re affected by alcoholism, how can you limit your exposure to side effects? The only reliable course of action is to seek professional alcohol treatment. This treatment focuses primarily on helping you restore and maintain sobriety. But in doing so, it also helps protect you from additional alcohol-related harm.

Renewed sobriety may also help ease some of the side effects currently impacting you. However, some of those effects may be irreversible. This fact underscores the importance of getting help for alcoholism as soon as possible.

Jumpstart Your Alcoholism Recovery Today at Northpoint

Concerned about the chronic side effects of alcohol abuse? It’s probably time to consider enrolling in alcohol treatment. A customized recovery program helps keep you safe from future negative effects. It may also help ease some of the issues already affecting you.

Need more information on the side effects of alcoholism? Get it today at Northpoint Colorado. We also specialize in personalized alcohol treatment. Start your recovery in our detox program. Then, follow up detox with either inpatient or outpatient care. Call us today at 888.231.1281 for further details. You can also use our convenient online contact form.

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