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Important Statistics on Heroin Use in Colorado

a doctor uses a computer at a desk possibly researching Heroin use in Colorado

Colorado is known across the U.S. for its relatively high rate of severe drug problems. Those problems often include addiction and deaths resulting from drug overdoses. Opioid drugs and medications are frequently linked to addiction and overdose across the country, and this is no different in Colorado. One such opioid is the street drug heroin.

If you or a loved one struggles with heroin use, heroin addiction treatment can help you recover. Prompt treatment can also help you avoid the potentially catastrophic effects of a heroin overdose. Northpoint Colorado knows how important it is to detox in a safe, supportive environment. Call 888.231.1281 to get started today.

Availability of Opioids in Colorado

No one can surely say how much heroin is smuggled into Colorado each year, but the availability of the drug seems to be rising. In 2017, only a few pounds of heroin were seized by the Colorado State Patrol. In 2021, state law enforcement seized more than 200 pounds of the drug. A similar but smaller-scale increase in fentanyl seizures has also occurred. However, fentanyl is far more potent than heroin. Per dose, its rise in availability outpaces heroin by a substantial amount.

Heroin Use and Addiction in Colorado

Heroin use in Colorado appears to be increasing. This increase may have links to the COVID-19 pandemic, as with other drugs. Why? In times of crisis, the average person is more likely to use drugs or alcohol to relieve stress. This kind of self-medication strategy may seem effective in the short run. However, repeated use of heroin boosts the odds of getting addicted to the drug. Common symptoms of heroin addiction include:

  • Losing the ability to control the level of heroin use
  • Becoming more and more tolerant of the effects of the drug
  • Going into withdrawal if heroin use stops or rapidly drops
  • Creating a daily routine that makes heroin use a top priority
  • Not cutting back on drug use when it leads to obvious health problems
  • Failing to halt heroin use after trying two or more times

People may also abandon other activities, giving them more time to use the drug.

Opioid Overdoses in Colorado

Colorado does an excellent job of tracking and recording fatal opioid overdoses from year to year. Heroin overdoses in the state have leveled off in recent years. In 2020, 220 people died as a result of using the drug.

Currently, a much bigger problem in Colorado is fatal overdoses linked to fentanyl and other opioid painkillers. The same year, nearly 800 Coloradans died after overdosing on one of these substances. Most fatal cases involved the use of fentanyl. Together, heroin and opioid painkillers account for more than half of Colorado’s total overdoses.

How can you tell if a heroin or painkiller overdose is occurring? Telltale signs of an opioid overdose include:

  • Blue-tinted fingernails and lips
  • Vomiting
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Body weakness or limpness
  • Labored, slow, or halted breathing
  • Gurgling or choking sounds
  • A slow or erratic heartbeat
  • Loss of consciousness

A person overdosing on an opioid may also experience the unresponsive form of unconsciousness known as a coma.

Seek More Information on Heroin Use in Colorado at Northpoint

Want to know more about the dangers of heroin use in Colorado? Talk to the addiction specialists at Northpoint Colorado. We’ll help you get a clearer picture of the risks associated with this street drug and other opioids.

If you’re affected by heroin addiction, Northpoint is your source for high-quality treatment. We feature a recovery program specifically designed for anyone addicted to this powerful opioid. Call us today at 888.231.1281 or complete our simple online form to learn more about our customized treatment options.

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