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How To Build Trust Within Your Family

A family that understands how to build trust within your family

Are you or someone you know impacted by addiction or substance abuse? If so, you’re likely familiar with the negative impact that these problems can have on family relationships. That impact commonly includes an erosion of trust between family members. Want to know how to build trust within your family in the wake of addiction? A big step for many people in recovery is participation in a family therapy program during rehab. You also typically need to do things outside of therapy to help restore lost trust. To learn more, call us today at 888.231.1281.

Addiction’s Impact on Family Trust

Trust is a widely recognized cornerstone of healthy relationships. Not everyone defines this cornerstone in exactly the same way. However, traits commonly associated with trust in someone include:

  • Reliability
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Respect for personal boundaries

Unfortunately, people affected by substance problems tend to lose touch with these kinds of traits. Over time, the changes they undergo may seriously degrade any previously established trust within the family. They may also make it difficult or impossible to restore trust as long as addiction holds sway.

First Steps in Building Family Trust

Communication is key to building family trust during substance recovery. Your therapist will help you and other family members identify specific, unaddressed concerns. Typically, a lot of those concerns revolve around the harm addiction has caused. That harm may range all the way from broken promises to major theft or even worse.

If these kinds of issues are present, your loved ones may feel extremely distrustful of you. It’s important to hear and understand how your behavior has impacted them. This understanding helps reestablish the foundation of trusting relationships.

Of course, you may also have concerns regarding your family members. Therapy gives you the chance to relay those concerns. As a result, your family may gain a better understanding of the effects addiction has had on you.

Taking Action to Build Family Trust

An understanding of the problem partly answers the question of how to build trust within your family. However, as a rule, you must go further. During therapy, you and your family members will actively discuss the issues that led to eroded trust. The specific issues may vary from family to family. But regardless of such details, key steps in the rebuilding process include:

  • Accepting guidance and advice from your therapist
  • Actively listening to what your loved ones have to say
  • Speaking honestly about your wants and needs
  • Coming up with workable strategies that help build family trust

You will also typically try out those strategies during therapist-led discussions and exercises.

Building Trust in Your Family Outside of Therapy

Therapy helps you get the process of rebuilding family trust started. However, you’ll also have to do some work outside of therapy. Your therapist may assign you specific tasks or actions to pursue. You may also be asked to come up with goals of your own to work on.

When you return for the next therapy session, you can report your progress. Your loved ones can do the same. With help from your therapist, you’ll evaluate your current situation and choose appropriate next steps.

Start Rebuilding Family Trust Today at Northpoint

Want to learn how to build trust within your family? Enrollment in family therapy is often key. Therapy allows all members of your family to state their trust-related concerns. It also helps you gradually address those concerns.

Northpoint Colorado offers family therapy as a major resource for drug and alcohol rehab. We’re committed to your goal of building trust in your family. And we’re equally committed to other aspects of your timely substance recovery. To find out more, just call today at 888.231.1281. You can also reach us by filling out our online contact form.